Bitlayer Introduces Track Pack for Bitlayer Builders

Bitlayer Introduces Track Pack for Bitlayer Builders

Bitlayer Introduces Track Pack for Bitlayer Builders

Bitlayer Track Pack is designed to maximize the development potential for Web3 developers

We are excited to announce the launch of the **Bitlayer Track Pack**, a comprehensive development and security toolkit co-developed by Bitlayer and community developers. This toolkit aims to help developers efficiently and securely bring Web3 ideas from inception to implementation.

The Bitlayer Track Pack is divided into three main modules: Boost Tools, Security, and Operation Support. Each module is designed to address common issues faced by developers, such as scattered basic development resources, a lack of structured advanced development materials, and the absence of essential development infrastructure like professional browsers, data indexing services, and free MPC wallet management. Additionally, it provides security guidance and access to top-tier security service providers.

The Bitlayer Track Pack is designed to maximize the development potential of Bitlayer builders.

Boost Tools

Boost Tools will offer the following development and auxiliary tools:

In addition, Bitlayer provides over ten commonly used data and wallet tools, which you can explore by clicking this link.


The Security module will offer the following three tools to ensure the optimal protection of your project’s assets and data within the Bitlayer ecosystem:

Operation Supports

Operation Supports aims to provide comprehensive ecosystem support in funding, market operations, and project growth:

Through the Bitlayer Track Pack, developers can not only conduct project development efficiently and securely but also receive comprehensive support, including grants and operational assistance, to help them succeed within the Bitlayer ecosystem. We look forward to collaborating with developers to make history in the Bitcoin world together.

About Bitlayer

Bitlayer is the first Bitcoin Layer 2 solution based on BitVM that provides a security-equivalent layer. The core goal of Bitlayer is to address the trade-off between security and Turing completeness in Bitcoin Layer 2 solutions through cryptographic innovation and blockchain engineering.

Bitlayer is dedicated to becoming the computation layer for Bitcoin, aiming to introduce ultra-scaling capabilities while inheriting Bitcoin’s security, and offering users a high-throughput, low-cost transaction experience.

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